Three new backyard games for 2021


Three new backyard games for 2021

Three new backyard games for 2021

Badminton, croquet, volleyball, hide-n-seek, chase, and tag, even horseshoes, are tried and true games for family backyard fun. While they are fun, they ‘tried and true’ and maybe boring for the kids. So, lets add some new perspective with three new games: 


This new backyard game combines Foursquare with Volleyball, giving your whole family exercising fun!  The nets are adjustable so it can go from the kids playing all day to the adults playing in the evening. It takes less than 10 minutes to set up and has everything you need for the fun that’s in store. 

Take the basic volleyball game to another level by adding old school Foursquare to it and you’ve got some backyard fun for everyone!  You can even get a water version of this game for the pool! 


Let’s combine the new love for backyard cornhole and add a game of dice! PIPFALL will add a new perspective to a cornhole, taking it to a whole new level. The creator of PipFall has simply swapped the cornhole bags with dice, and using an underhand pitch, made it more challenging by NOT getting the dice in the hole!


Maybe you can reinvent the wheel …. Or at least improve upon the wagon the wheels fit! With the Wag-n-Bag, you can have a party going on in the backyard easy and quick. Instead of carrying everything for that backyard party or beach time fun, the Wag-n-Bag will tote it all, including all the outdoor games you like during summer cookouts.

The wagon disassembles with ease to the well-loved Cornhole game. Switch the board with ease to a new form of Golf Pong or Washers. This is the way to bring fun to any outdoor family gathering or summertime party.


These three games added to the fun that Rollors has brought to you the last few years, your party invitations are sure to be the first accepted and sought after invites! From kiddos to adults, even the teens, will enjoy these games.