Memorial Day Must Haves




a close up of a sign

Whether you are staying at home barbequing or leaving for a long weekend to your lake house, Memorial Day is a great time to relax and spend time with family and friends. We must not forget that Memorial Day is also time for us to remember all those who have given their lives for our freedom. This weekend always marks that the warm summer days are close by as people’s pools begin to open. To ensure that your Memorial Day weekend goes off without a hitch, here is a list of some Memorial Day must haves:

  1. A great pair of sunglasses. Those dreary, dark wintery days are now behind us so let’s break out the shades! Make sure your sunglasses have UV eye protection. Not only can too much sun do damage to our skin but it can also damage our eyes. While you are spending lots of time outside, make sure your eyes are safe and your sunglasses fit correctly. With all that running around the pool or catching a game of tag football, you want to make sure you are wearing a pair of sunglasses that you can play in.
  2. The American Flag. This is a must. We are celebrating this great country so our colors should decorate throughout the party and your home. You can’t celebrate Memorial Day without the American flag hanging high. Be patriot and celebrate this wonderful country!
  3. You can’t throw a successful outdoor party without an awesome yard game. Leave the ladder ball and bocce ball games packed away and break out this new and exciting game. It combines Bocce and Horseshoes. Your guests will love this game because it is easy to learn, great for all ages and skill levels. Most importantly you can hold your drink while playing it too. What’s a great Memorial Day party without a bit of friendly competition?
  4. Squirt Guns and Water Balloons. It isn’t a great Memorial Day without some sort of water fun. A squirt gun fight is a definite must as well as a water balloon fight. For an ultimate water balloon fight, fill up as many water balloons you can the night before. Then place them around the backyard in hidden stations under trees and behind bushes. The children will love going on the hunt to find water balloons and then tossing them at each other.
  5. Lather up that sunscreen and remember to keep applying throughout the day. No one wants to spend the day after a great Memorial Day party recovering from a sun burn. Make sure that you leave some bottles readily available out for your guests too. The spray kind is easy to applying quickly, especially for those squirmy little ones who can’t wait to get out and play.  
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