How to entertain in your backyard


How to entertain in your backyard

How to entertain in your backyard

Ready or not, summer has arrived and for most of the country that has opened schools after the pandemic, the kids are out and already bored. For those of us that aren’t ready to hit the vacation roadways yet, either because pandemic concern or budget issues caused by the pandemic, here’s a few ideas to try this summer in your own backyard!

Water Balloon Piñata Smashing

Fill up several balloons with water, then hang them from trees or the old clothesline just so they are out of reach. Now let the kids smack and whack those balloons!

Slip n Slide n Fun

You don’t have to spend money on the mass produced Slip n Slide water fun. Create your own with black garbage bags. Overlap them, use duct tape to connect them, then turn the sprinkler on. Be careful!  You may see the kids having so much fun, you’ll want to try it!

A Personal Scavenger Hunt

Hide a few of each kid’s worldly possessions, hide them around the yard, create a list of clues and keep them busy!  Some of the hidden treasures could be pieces of Rollors! Once all the pieces are found, set up the Rollors game for continued fun.

Mini Golf at Home

You could create an elaborate mini golf course if you want or keep it simple and use pool noodles for the course and use the kids toys for the obstacles. One of the obstacles could be a game of Rollors!  What mini golf course has a game within the game, right?! 

Family Sack Race

Yeah, days of flour, potatoes, and sugar coming in huge sacks are gone, but get some old pillowcases out and let the game begin!

Backyard Picnic Time

Why does everything have to be so involved? Put together a basic summer picnic lunch or supper of PB&J sandwiches, some Goldfish snack crackers, with juice boxes and take it to the backyard.  Teach your kids the finer things in life that are simple.

Time Capsule

While you’re enjoying that impromptu picnic, tell your kids about the time capsule you made and buried as a kid! Get them to suggest things to build one and you’ll have a plan for tomorrow’s entertainment!

Few Last Words

Summertime fun doesn’t have to include road trips, airlines, or hotels. Keeping it at home one more summer just may be what keeps the family safe this year. With these ideas and suggestions, it won’t