4 Games of Outdoor Fun

4 Games of Outdoor Fun

Take a look at these new ways to play an old game this summer, even this fall when summer begins to fade away:

Chip In

Want a round of cornhole? Or maybe you’re in the mood for putting green? With Chip In, you can do both, and if you don’t have anyone to play with, you can still play!  This 2-n-1 game offered by Chippo lets you take a golf club with a tee off on the turf-covered chip mat. There are 3 holes with nets ready to catch your foam ball putt. If you swing too hard and it flies up in the air, no damage with these balls!

Floating Fun

If you have a swimming pool, you have your own waterfront golf course!  This floating golf green converts a backyard swimming pool into a putting station. Everything you need for a few hours on the watery “links” includes this recycled synesthetic turf, balls, a cup, chipping pad, and flag – all of them are floatable. Don’t have a swimming pool? No problem – it plays well on and too.

Get Hooked

This Hook & Ring game is a new by Surf Edition and can be the next big hit and splash at your next outdoor gathering or party. The bamboo Tiki Toss board is mounted on an exterior wall that faces the backyard. Then everyone takes a turn at swinging the steel ring-on-a-string around the hook. Sound easy? Give it a try and find out!


Rollors has quickly become a favorite in backyards everywhere!  It’s bocce ball. It’s horseshoes. No, it’s outdoor bowling! It’s is a combined fun and skill game of all three and more! Great for all the kids, all the adults, from 2 to 92, it will keep the party rolling along with fun and laughter. All wood pieces that fit in their own carry bag so you can take it from the backyard to the beach to a tailgate party and more.  Give Rollors a place at your next even and see what kind of fun you can get started!

What other games should we add to our next blog?