What Is Cyber Monday?

It would be in 2005 when the term “Cyber Monday” was first used. For overall shopping, many experts will tell you that it is the 12th largest day and for the ecommerce community, it is “THE” largest day. While “Black Friday”, the day after Thanksgiving, takes all the credit for in-store sales, it is the Monday after Friday that rules for on-line shopping.

While millions of Americans have a long weekend in November, spending time with family and eating, it has been noted that the Monday after that long weekend is busy on-line, thus the moniker of “Cyber Monday” came to be. Americans that braved the stores on “Black Friday” and the two days afterward will sit at their computers and shop on-line for even better deals.

In recent times, “Cyber Monday” has become more popular and some business are extending their “Cybler Monday” deals for the full week after Thanksgiving. Over 75% of online retail business have said their business increases considerably on the Monday after the Thanksgiving holiday. With that increase of on-line activity, shoppers are rewarded with even more online discounts and special promotions, which experts estimated in 2010, over $1 billion was spent on-line Cyber Monday.

So for those that aren't all that keen of sitting outside in various weather conditions all night to get those 5am deals on “Black Friday”, “Cyber Monday” is the alternative shopping method. Deals will be found as you sit quietly at you computer, eating that last piece of pumpkin pie.