First Time Camper’s Tips


First Time Camper’s Tips

Camping with your family is a great way to get away and not spend a lot doing so. Being out in nature without electronic devices is not as scary as one would think. There is nothing better than the smell of a campfire roasting marshmallows to make those delicious s’mores. Even the sound of nature can be very relaxing. If you have never gone camping you may be intimidated on how to prepare for such a trip or what you will really need. Below is some great information if you are a first time camper.

  1. Bring a Tent - It may be difficult to decide what kind of tent you will need or which one to buy. Make sure you do your research to buy a tent that will fit all your needs. Keep in mind that when a tent says that it is made for 8 people – that is 8 people only – not including bags. So if you are shopping for a family of four, it is best to get a tent a bit larger, especially if you are planning on bringing a lot of bags.
  2. Always have an appropriate sleeping bag - Remember that though it may be really warm during the day, night time usually gets a lot cooler. It is best to make sure you have a sleeping bag that will keep you warm because there is nothing worse than trying to sleep cold. Be sure to bring a light sheet, just in case it is too hot so that you can sleep on top of your sleeping bag (extra padding!) and have the sheet over to cover you.
  3. Appropriate food- Because you are camping, you shouldn’t bring items that require an oven or need a microwave. Keep meal time easy and easy to cook over a grill or open fire. Make it easy and pick food that you can either prepare before you leave or easy to put together while you are there.
  4. Bring Games – Having a few fun games available is great way to bond with your kids or friends. Having easy games that have simple rules and is easy to pack is best. Rollors is a great new game that people of all ages can play. Not only can you play on all different terrains such as sand, grass or pavement, it is compact enough that it doesn’t take up much space when you need to pack it away. This game combines Bocce and Horseshoes – a game that can entertain everyone for hours.
  5. Stay Local – If this is your first time camping or even first time camping with kids, it is best to choose a location that is local to home first. That way if there is anything you forget or need you are close by. Doing a trial run is always smart and that way you get a pit of practice in. Sometimes trying to camp with young kids is pretty rough. If you are close by your home it is a lot easier to bail than if you are too far away.