School Is Starting Up & That Means Summer Is Coming To An End

Wow, can you believe summer is almost gone again?! Seems like it just goes faster and faster every year, or is it just me? The kids have had a fun filled summer, or maybe they had a nice lazy summer just hanging out. Family vacations are done and now we're getting the kids ready for school. Time just marches on and on and before long, we'll be getting the kids ready for Halloween! 

For now though, let's enjoy what little we have left of the summer! Invite the family over for one last cook-out and swim party. The adults can sit around sipping on chilled beverages cooking burgers and hot dogs while the kids play. When the grill master is done, every one can enjoy a plate full of good food and great conversations.

After the meal though, the kids are going to want to get right back in that pool and we all know the rule-of-thumb to wait an hour after eating. So what do you do with that endless energy they have for an hour? Well pull out some yard games like Croquet and Rollors. Team the adults against the kids and go head-to-head with a family game that will occupy them and burn off some of those calories for the adults. 

By the time you've challenged each other to best out of 3, all that good food will be settled and the kids can jump back in for a swim. Or maybe the kids keep playing while the adults jump in the pool! Either way, can you think of a better way to wrap up summer?