The 1st Day of Fall – Where Did Summer Go?

The 1st Day of Fall – Where Did Summer Go?

Once winter has ended, spring arrives and summer is close behind. With that the First Day of Fall arrives too quickly for us, but it is the season of changes. Leave change, school starts and summer begins to wrap up. The weather is still good for the most part, some chilly early mornings and chilly evenings, but the day itself is still nice and warm.

With the thought of another cold winter coming in quickly, it is fun to get some outside time in during those last few days! Plan a series of weekend cook-outs at home or at the beach with family and friends. Enjoy games while the weather is good. Create teams mocking your favorite NFL teams and play a round of flag football.  Keep that team spirit in mind and play against each other with a game of horseshoes, Rollors or volley ball.

Regardless how you do it, don't let summer end without getting a few more weekends of fun under your belt! It can be tempting to just stay indoors and watch pre-season football games or old movies when it starts to get a little bit chilly. Get on up and stay active while you can! Put on a light jacket and head outside to the backyard with the kids and get a game or two in just to keep busy.

That cold winter weather will be here and get everyone locked up soon enough. There will be plenty of time for watching movies, building puzzles and reading books on cooler Fall evenings. Use the daylight hours while we have them and get some exercise playing games like Bocce or Rollors.